Effective Performance Management Conversations

When teachers and staff are not recognised for their achievements, or alternatively, are unsure of their effectiveness, this lack of timely and specific feedback can lead to low morale.

These conversations include regular formal and informal 1:1 check-ins, career and professional development discussions, opportunities for two way feedback and praise and recognition. Addressing underperformance and behaviour issues is an equally important task and school leaders and line managers can find it challenging to hold these conversations, often labelling them ‘difficult’. It is one area that generates plenty of requests from school leaders for training and why we added a comprehensive interactive on-line course to our Welbee toolkit.

Difficult conversations often take leaders out of their comfort zone, worried that it may turn into a confrontation or not go as planned. A feeling of anxiety is a natural response to a situation with an uncertain outcome. A study by the Chartered Management Institute found that two-thirds of managers feel stressed or anxious if they know a ‘difficult’ conversation is coming, with 11% suffering from nightmares or poor sleep in the build-up to it.

The UK’s Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) suggests this anxiety is often due to not feeling in complete control of the conversation. While this is understandable, it is important to consider who sets the ‘difficult’ label! After all, it is just a conversation, and the key is preparation and practice.

Begin by reflecting on the situation. This may include noting down any factual information or observations that could be useful during the conversation. Make notes about what to say about the key points and spend time thinking about possible questions the other person may ask and how you could respond. Consider possible outcomes or solutions to the problem you are addressing - although it's essential that you first listen to the other person’s perspective on the situation and are open to their suggestions.

Plan a time and place to hold the conversation to ensure that you can do this without distractions and in an environment where both you and the other person will feel comfortable and away from prying eyes. Suggest a convenient time when the staff member is likely to have post conversation support available - holding it on a Friday afternoon is not ideal.

Share details ahead of the meeting, give them the opportunity to prepare and ask if they want a third party present. To think clearly under pressure, prepare a response to everything that might happen during and after the conversation.

Mark Solomons

  • Founder, School Wellbeing Accelerator & Leadership, Culture, Engagement and Performance Improvement Expert